저스트 룸 이너프섬(Just Room Enough Island)
Imagine living on a tennis court in the middle of a river.
That is how life looks on the world’s smallest inhabited island.
If you enter the coordinates 44°20′33.5″N 75°55′29.5″W, you will be just at the location of the island.
The island lies on the Saint Lawrence River between Heart Island and Imperial Isle,
close to the US Border with Canada.
The island belongs to Alexandria Bay, which is a village part of the town of Alexandria,
Jefferson Country, New York.
The Island is not formerly into the Guinness Book of World Records.
That title belongs to Bishop Rock, an incredibly lonely lighthouse off the English Isles of Scilly.
However, the lighthouse was automated in 1982, and the Bishop Rock is no longer inhabited.
The island is part of the Thousand Islands. There are actually 1,864 by official count, islands that dot the St. Lawrence River as it flows northeast out of Lake Ontario. The islands are just five hundred feet away from Boldt Castle, the iconic storybook mansion that George Boldt began building in 1900.
Just Enough Room is owned by a family called Sizeland. They bought the island which was then called Hub Island, and renamed it. The island is as small as a tennis court. According to rues, little dots between New York and Ontario count as part of the Thousand Islands if they are above level of the river year round and can sustain two trees or shrubs.
The Sizeland family bought it in the 1950s, and built a little cottage that took up almost every leftover square inch of dry land. Then, they planted a tree, and renamed the property to Just Enough Room Island.
쿠르쉬(Kurush) 마을
Kurush is the highest human settlement in Russia, and even in Europe, with an elevation of 2560 meters. At the same time, it is the southernmost village in Russia. Across the mountains to the south is the territory of Azerbaijan.
Mt. Yaludag (гора Ялудаг) looks like a giant standing in the sky, stands opposite the village, and blesses the villagers who live here. A few clouds floated on the shoulder of the mountain, making it even more sacred.
Except for a small square, there is almost no flat land in the village. Dozens of houses staggered on the hillside, and almost all the roofs were covered with iron sheets. Villagers in Kurush are basically all Lezgins and muslim. There is a simple mosque in the village.
트리스탄다쿠냐섬(Tristan da Cunha)
사람이 살고있는 "세상에서 가장 외딴 섬_트리스탄 다 쿠냐"(The most remote of earth_Tristan da Cunha)
대서양의 아래쪽 남대서양의 외땀섬,남미 브라질 리오데자네이루에서는 3353km 떨어져 있으며 아프리카 희망봉 케이프타운에서는 2805km,그리고 사람이 살고있는 근처 섬은 옛날에 나폴레옹이 살았던 감옥섬인 세인트헬레나섬으로 2429km떨어진 그야말로 절해의 고도중의 고도(孤島) 외딴 섬이다.섬의 면적은 201㎢이며,현재 사람들이 약 300여명 살고 있다.
이 섬에도 사람들이 살고 있다.이곳은 영국령 남대서양의 트리스탄 다 쿠냐라는 섬이다.성중앙에는 순상화산인 2,062m의 퀸 메리산이 있다.섬주변에는 보통 300~600m의 고도의 절벽이 있으며 한겨울철에는 눈도 많이 내리는 곳이다.
영국 본토인 영국 런던까지는 5537마일로 8911Km떨어져 있다.(1마일=1.609344km)
라 링코나다(La Rinconada)
La Rinconada is a town at the foot of a majestic Peruvian Andean glacier, at 5,100 meters above sea level. It is an old mining settlement, rich in gold deposits that today has reached a population of about 70 thousand inhabitants thanks to the "gold fever". It is the highest inhabited center in the world, though it is considered one of the most hellish places on the planet
알 하자라(Al-Hajjara)
예멘의 수도 사나(Sanaa)에서 북서쪽으로 15km 떨어진 하라즈(Haraz) 산맥에 위치. ‘하자라(Hajjarah)’는 아랍어로 ‘바위’라는 뜻으로, 하늘로 솟은 직각 절벽 위에 오밀조밀 마을이 형성되어 있다. 과거 예멘엔 부족 간의 전쟁이 자주 일어났고, 적의 침입을 막기 위해 산꼭대기에 요새처럼 마을을 지었다. 예멘의 전통 주택은 언뜻 황량한 광야에 지은 얄팍한 모래 집처럼 보이지만, 가까이 다가서면 제주의 돌집처럼 돌멩이를 하나하나 쌓아 올려 굉장히 견고하다. 창틀을 하얀색으로 칠하고 추상적인 문양을 새겨 넣어 자칫 삭막해 보일 수 있는 건물에 생동감을 주었다. 800년 전 지어진 알 하자라 마을은 1986년 유네스코 세계문화유산으로 등재됐다.
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