Shwe Pyi Nann Thanakha Museum was open by Shwe Pyi Nann, the biggest Thanakha Company in Myanmar, a
s a place to reveal truly useful traditional Myanmar Thanakha.
Located on the corner of Thiripyitsayar (4) and Main Road, it is the only Thanakha museum in the world.
A visit to this museum will answer any curiosities you may have about Thanakha.
What comes into view first when you enter the museum is a 100 year-old Thanakha plant.
The interior décor is impressive and classy.
There is a map showing the regions where Thanakha plants grow on the wall.
Thanakha barks of fine quality and that are rare to get are displayed with captions.
The stone slabs and dressing tables of Konebaung and Pyu periods can be seen.
Visitors can try to put on thanaka paste by grinding Thanaka bark on a circular stone slab in the museum.
Shwe Pyi Nann Thanakha Museum is a sizeable complex that consists of Thanaka garden,
Thanaka gallery, petrified wood gallery, jet museum, and Myanmar’s handicraft souvenir shop.
There is a restaurant, Internet café, and beauty salon in the complex.
박물관을 들어가면 100년된 타나카 나무가 반긴다
Thanakaha is a traditional Myanmarese cosmetic that has been used in Myanmar
since the Pyu period. It is obtained from Thanakha tree (botanically called Limonia acidissima),
wchich can be found in natural forests.
However, nowadays, the farmers grow it as a field cultivated tree.
Thanakha is also used in skin conditioner and perfume.
Not only its barks and roots, but the leaves are also medicinal.
When applied regularly, the skin will become fairer, smoother and softer day by day.
It can also protect the skin from sunburn.
타나카는 미얀마 전통적인 화장품으로 향수로도 사용한다
나무껍질과 뿌리, 잎도 약효가 있으며 주기적으로 바르면
피부가 투명해지고 부드러워져 매끈해지는 효과가 있다
선크림으로도 사용한다
박물관에서 나와 마을 구경 하며 이동
유명관광지까지 택시이용 홍보
사탕 공장
여성들이 모여 각가지 색깔의 사탕을 비닐에 싸고있다.
길가에 그늘에서 카드놀이하는 여자들
길거리를 걷는데 음악을 연주하는 소리가 들린다.
건물안으로 들어가서 2층으로 올라간다
타악기 연주하는 사람들
골목을 천천히 걷다보면 재미있는 광경이 많다.
요금을 협상하고 마차승차.
마차타고 숙소 귀환(3,000)
숙소벽에 걸린 장식물
15:30 숙소 도착 후 2층 레스토랑에서 커피(1포트 2,000)
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