My travel abroad./Slovenia(2017 Jul)

6-6 계곡을 따라서 내려가는 fantastic soca trail

봉들레르 2017. 10. 1. 18:55


이곳을 정점으로 해서 계곡을 따라서 내려 숙소로 간다

The Soča Trail (1, 2, 3, 4) is a nature trail taking visitors to the Triglav National Park along the Soča river from its source to Bovec.

The Soča Trail connects the old Trenta paths and peaceful sections of the valley, leading visitors away from the road and noise.

Resembling an emerald green thread, the river Soča strings natural sights and cultural monuments like beads on a marvellous necklase.

Picturesque footbridges crossing the river add an element of adventure to the otherwise peaceful walk.

The trail, which measures 20 km in length, runs from the source of the Soča river down the valley of Trenta

and Soča to the hamlet Kršovec at the border of the national park, and continues from there as the Bovec Walking Trail. T

he visit to the Soča Trail can be tailored to the available time and desired purpose of the visitors

who can only take a look at those sections of the trail, which they consider most interesting.


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