Travel plan abroad/동유럽


봉들레르 2011. 4. 30. 17:02

* 맥주

PAN(초록색/ 3.00kn), 맹숭

Karlovako(빨간색/ 4kn), 최고 맛

Ozujsko(검정색/ 4.39kn) 비싸고 씁쓸





해안 시푸드
Mussule: 무슐레(홍합찜) 찐 홍합살에 소금과 마늘을 넣은 소스첨가 (33kn) 디저트 음식
Scampi: 스캄피(왕가재 찜) 
가재 4마리와 소스(올리브유,토마토,치즈,파슬리가루) (70kn).

같이 주는 바게트 빵을 소스와 함께

자그렙의 음식
small fried fish: 정어리 소금구이(11kn).
한 접시 10마리에 바게트 빵 한 조각 .

mixed salad: 삶은 강낭콩과 감자으깬것(9kn).
고소하고, 부드러운  맛

sturkli: 스투루클리(구운 치즈케익)
자그렙의 명물요리(25kn). 치즈덩어리 첨가, 커피와 디저트용

석류: 자그렙의 돌락 마켓, 스플릿 구시가 시장(한 개 3kn) 
          달고 맛있다.  즙이 많아서 음료수 대용

군밤: 자그렙에  군밤장수 봉지에 5kn정도


 추천 식당

* Minice: 론리플래닛 자그렙 편에 소개. 반 지하,
현지인 음식. bar같은 내부

* Della: 스플릿에 빵집 2곳(맥도널드 옆, nadrogi 광장)
많은 현지인. 한개 3.5정도, 치즈크로와상이  맛있다

* Kamenice: 두브로브닉 Gundulic광장 한복판 노천식당.
스캄피 70kn, 샐러드 10kn, 미트 스파게티 33kn, 무슐레 30kn

가격이 저렴하고 맛있다. 분위기, 앞 재래시장.

* Kaptolska Klet: 자그렙 캡톨거리 5번가 자그렙 대성당 맞은편에 레스토랑
 전통음식 mushroom soup(버섯스프) 12kn, strudel(디저트용 단 음식) 10kn,
turkey with mlinci(메인요리.국수랑  칠면조고기) 50kn, 
sturkli(구운 치즈케익) 25kn

스투루델과 터키 위드

꼭 먹어보고 싶은 음식

* 아침식사
burek(기름진 미트파이 혹은 치즈파이)

전 유고연방 사람들 아침식사

* 자그렙
Kaptolska Klet을 에서 mushroom soup, strudel, turkey with mlinci,
진저브레드 과자, 치즈 도넛,  크로아티아 산 와인

* 아드리아 해안지방
prstaci(조개요리), brodet(여러 생선, 쌀 넣은 스튜)

* 내륙지방
manistra od bobica(콩+옥수수 스프), strukle(cottage cheese rolls)

Image: blandm.

You know, you never can go wrong with pastry, and Burek is no exception. You can get them filled with cheese, meat or apples, and can find them in pastry shops and even some fast food joints. If you see it being served with a yogurt-like drink, get some of that too. This dish is a typical breakfast food, but is heavy and should keep you full well past lunchtime.

Image: su-lin.

Cevapcici ( pronounced Chev ap chee tse)
You can find cevapcici just about everywhere, which is a good thing because I can't get enough of these little balls of flavor. These little finger-shaped balls of meat are made of spicy beef or pork and are best served with a red pepper ajvar relish. Eat as much as you can.

Raznjici (pronounced razh nyee chee)
If you're in the mood for meat on a stick, this is the word you should memorize.

Image: ybidau.

Palacinke (pronounced pala chink eh)
Palacinke equals crepes in Croatia. Try one with some nutella, or even with ice cream on the side.

Image: MrGluSniffer.

Blitva is a common side dish that you'll find all over Croatia. It's swiss chard boiled and served with olive oil, potatoes and garlic. I think it's simply delicious, especially with some local beer and any kind of meat available. Lamb, pork, veal...whatever, it'll be awesome. Just be ready for garlic breath.

Pag Cheese
Pag cheese is a sharp, sheep's milk cheese named after the island it's made on. You'll most likely find it as an appetizer, served with olives on the side.

Jajetina is one of those dishes that you'd have to work hard not to try in Croatia. It's lamb, roasted whole on a spit over the fire...and you can find it all over the country. Look for signs along the road, or just follow your nose.

I love seeing how different cultures do comfort food, and Jota is the Croat version of a mother's love. A stew made of beans, sauerkraut, garlic, and bacon, Jota is perfect for those cold winter days.


Image: rongorongo.

Fresh, Whole Fish.
If you're on the coast, find the freshest fish and eat it. Head towards the docks, find a dude grilling and chow down.

Image: oanababy.

Stuffed Squid
Not up for a whole fish, but don't want to miss out? Don't forget that squid are yum.

Learn Some Of The Language
Besides knowing some of the words for the food, you'd do well to learn a few key phrases. While many of the more touristy coastal cities will have many English speakers, once you get inland in the small towns, you might be hard pressed to find anyone who can understand you. You can get by with hand gestures and pointing, but I'd recommend learning just a few tidbits.

Want to learn more about Croatian food, markets, and cooking in general? Fresh Adriatic Fish is a great blog and resource


Croatia  Dishes

Buzara | This is a typical Dalmation speciality, and the more if you like fish because the dish contents scampis, softly cooked in a sauce of tomatoes, onion and lovely Croatian spices. It is lovely Croatian food.

Dalmatinski prsut | Smoked Dalmation pork.

Fis paprikas | Braised meat of fish (generally carp) with paprika powder.

Kulen | Piquant seasoned salami from Slavonia.

Kruh | Frequently baked fresh bread.

Manistra | Approximately the same as it Italian minestrone. Prepare with pod fruit and vegetables.

Oysters | Eaten raw with a little lemon.

Palacinka | The most known Croatian dessert . Double pancake with jam, melted chocolate or rampart note.

Paski sir | Sheep cheese

Pasticada | Stewed beef.

Rizot | A delicious rice dish similar with risotto, prepared with mussels and other sea fruit.

Rozata | Dalmation dessert, Almost the same as cream caramel.

Sarma | Cabbage with meat and spices. This is an origin Turkish dish.

Strukli | Ravioli, made baked in the furnace.

Zagorje strudel | Paste filled with fresh gentle cheese, honey and notes.


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