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They can be solid as in the junctions between the columns and the vaulting, or hollow to allow light,
symbol of God for Gaudí, to enter the temple. They can be found in the openings of the windows and the vaults.
Jesus and Judas with the Magic Square.
가로, 세로, 대각선의 합이 33(= 죽을 때 여수의 나이)
The number 48 is the same number one obtains
if the letter of INRI (Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeourum) are assigned a number according to their order in the Latin Alphabet.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | X |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |
So that 9 + 13 + 17 + 9 = 48
타일을 깨 붙여서 곡면을 표현하는 trencadís 기법
Catenary Arches and Catenoids
hyperbolic cosine 함수
줄의 양끝을 고정시켜 늘어지게 했을 때 생기는 곡선이 현수선
가벼운 소재로 만들어도 큰 무게를 지탱할 수 있는 강점이 있다.
늘어진 체인이 catenoid를 형성
아치건물의 외부에 반영
현수선에 추를 달아서 무게가 있는 모델
스페인 Santa Coloma de Cervello 에 있는 교회의 디자인
Conic Sections
Parabolas(포물선) 2차곡선
원추곡선 포물선, Palau Guell 의 포물선 출입문, Palau Guell 의 다락방
double cone 의 단면, 쌍곡선이 보이는 단면도, Sagrada Familia 의 천정
쌍곡선은 깊고 먼 느낌을 준다.
Ruled Surfaces
Hyperboloids of one Sheet
실린더를 살짝 비틀어서 만든 hyperboloid
Model of Hyperboloid, Sagrada Familia 의 회랑벽
Hyperbolic Paraboloids
the Sagrada Familia의 박물관 hyperbolic paraboloid 모델,
마치 말안장을 연상시키는 컴퓨터로 만든 모델,
Arch by Gaudi
Sagrada Familia성당 돔지붕의 내부와 외부에서 본 인테리어
여러 곡선과 곡면
기둥에 circular helix
A side view of the school, showing the sine wave like cross section of the roof. Image:Aidan McRae Thomson
A ruled surface from the Museum in the Sagrada Familia
Sagrada Familia성당에 Helicoidal 계단
The main contributions Gaudí made to architecture that can be seen in the Sagrada Familia are:
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They can be solid as in the junctions between the columns and the vaulting, or hollow to allow light,
symbol of God for Gaudí, to enter the temple. They can be found in the openings of the windows and the vaults.
Gaudí used paraboloids to create linking surfaces between the vaults and the roofing and the columns on the Passion facade,
as well as larger elements such as the towers and the sacristies. For him they represented the Holy Trinity.
According to the iconography of Gaudí they represent the rising movement that links the earth wi heaven.
Here they can be seen in the spiral staircases.
Gaudí generated the rounded capitals of the main columns from ellipsoids,
where the lower columns subdivide into branches.
To achieve greater stability and a slender and more harmonious effect,
Gaudí designed all the branching columns as double-twisted columns formed by two helicoidal columns.
The base of each column has a cross-section that is a polygon or star which as it twists to the right and the left transforms into a circle higher up.
13-3 테셀레이션( tessellation)을 승화시킨 구엘공원 (0) | 2015.04.28 |
13-2 구엘 공원(Park Guell)의 예술이 된 돌들 (0) | 2015.04.26 |
13-1 가우디의 초기작품 까사 비센스(Casa Vicens) (0) | 2015.04.25 |
12-6 하몽은 메론, 와인과 함께 (0) | 2015.04.25 |
12-5 웅장한 분위기의 대성당 내부 (0) | 2015.04.25 |