My travel abroad./Uzbekistan(2014 Aug)

4-5 Trading domes of Bukhara

봉들레르 2014. 8. 21. 01:47

Bukhara is well-known to the world not only with its mosques, Ark Fortress and the majestic Kalyan minaret

but also with its trading domes stretching in procession from Lyabi-Khauz to the Miri-Arab madrasah.

Long ago, in the XVI century under the Shaybanides dynasty, Bukhara became the capital giving rise to unprecedented growth of the city,

and since it was located on the Great Silk Road, the markets and trading stores even more congested cross-roads of public roads.

Several centuries passed since that and four trading domes have only survived up to date.




16세기에 지어진 토키 텔팍 푸루숀(Toqi Telpak Furushon).

A little to the north from Toki-Sarrofon there located the large Telpak Furushon Trading Dome.

This is a massive complex having a hexagonal orientation.

Under its spherical dome there concentrate shops selling knives, jewelries, music instruments and various remembrances.

Next to it there is a medieval blacksmith shop, where one can watch a process of manufacturing knives and other tools.

Once the shops were selling a book, that is why the trading dome was called as Kitab-Furushon («kitab» is translated from Uzbek as “book”).

Step by step the place of the bookselling was occupied by shops trading headwear

and later selling of caps in its turn gave place to souvenir products made by the local craftsmen










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옷들이 화려하다.

좌측이 Tim Abdullakhan Trading Dome

This trade dome differs considerably from its fellows.

 It is located not on the cross road but along a street; it is an indoor premise where it is always cool.

The light in the Tim Abdullakhan penetrates from small windows and apertures in the domes.

Over the centuries they were selling carpets and fabrics,

and even today one can buy a variegated carpet, beautiful inwrought kerchief or a square of Bukhara cloth.








Toki-Zargaron Trading Dome

This is the largest trading dome of Bukhara. It is the most northern dome and it is located fast beside the Poi Kalyan.

The Toki-Zargaron dome is stretched upwards and strengthened with ribs which make it different from the others.

The name Zargaron is connected with the word “zargar” which can be translated as “goldsmith”.

Once there located 36 jeweller's workshop -shops selling various jewelries.

In addition, Toki-Zargaron was the first among the trading domes of Bukhara.


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