My travel abroad./Slovenia(2017 Jul)

2-5 블레드성 내부에서 바라보는 환상적인 경치

봉들레르 2017. 8. 11. 12:46



박물관 입구





The museum located in the baroque rooms of the castle takes visitors on a journey celebrating

the eventful history of Bled from the time when the first settlements in the area appeared to the present day.

The furnishing of the museum interprets settlement culture over different eras.

 Bird of paradise, 6th century finding

A display case at the castle proudly presents one of the most beautiful 6th century findings – a peacock-

shaped brooch found at Pristava below the Bled Castle.
The peacock is known to adorn the Garden of Eden

 and is often referred to as “the bird of paradise”, a symbol of life and wealth.

These are also the values that have been associated with Bled in the past,

in the present and the values Bled is likely to embody in the future.



















사진을 찍을 때는 몰랐는데 다음날 이곳 마을을 지나가게 된다













 벌통입구의 그림들

벌들의 자신의 집을 그림을 보고서 기억하게 한 것이란다



Castle Chapel

The Gothic chapel is dedicated to the bishops St Albuin and St Ingenuin. It is east-oriented.

After the second major earthquake of 1690 the chapel was increased in height and baroque vaults were added.

During or shortly after the baroque remake the chapel was adorned with frescoes.

The fresco on the northern wall depicts the German king Henry II and the one on the southern side his wife Kunigunde.

The other chapel frescoes are also in a good state of preservation. The frescoes are made in an illusionist manner.

The consecration of the chapel of Sts. Ingenuin and Albuin took place on the 10 April 2014.

The chapel was consecrated by the Bishop of Ljubljana, Andrej Glavan, and by the Bishop of Bolzano, Dr. Ivo Muser.

For 70 years the chapel has not served its purpose.

The 10 April will remain in history as the day when the chapel returned to its initial intention,

for worship and church wedding ceremonies.

교회로 들어가니 제단에 현대적인 성모자상이 모셔져 있다.

그리고 북쪽과 남쪽의 벽에는 블레드성을 주교에게 선사한 독일왕 하인리히 2세와 그의 부인 쿠니군데의 초상이 그려져 있다.

이 교회의 창문과 외관은 전체적으로 고딕 양식이다.


 이 교회에서 정말 특이한 것은 합창대석이다.

2층에 감실 형태의 공간을 만들고 세 명이 들어가 노래를 할 수 있도록 했다.

또 한 가지 눈에 띄는 것은 측면에 있는 제단이다. 바로크 양식으로 성 베드로상이 조각되어 있다.



대장간 입구

The castle’s forge, in which various forged artifacts are presented, is located at the upper courtyard.

At the forge the visitors of the castle have the chance to make their own souvenir coin on an anvil.



















Surroundings of Castle printing works


Entrance into Castle printing works

Castle printing works

Old wooden press

Demonstration of printing on a reconstructed Gutenberg's printing machine and prints of certificates

The castle printing works houses a reconstructed Gutenberg's wooden printing press

which the master printer uses to demonstrate printing on hand-made paper with historical blocks and lead letters.

If you wish to have a memorial certificate, turn into a castle master printer for several minutes

and after some hard work you will learn to appreciate the “black” art





Old wooden press in Castle printing works






Hand made paper with different motifs

Examples that visitors can manually print by themselfs