My travel abroad./Spain(2015 Feb)

12-2 숙소 주변 고딕 지구 관광

봉들레르 2015. 4. 20. 19:45

람블라스 거리(Las Ramblas) 따라 리세우 극장(Teatro Liceu)

-> 보께리아 시장(산호세 시장, Boqueria Market)

관광객을 위한 중앙에 인도가 있고 양쪽으로 차도가 있는 람블라스 거리(Las Ramblas)


람블라스 거리(Las Ramblas) 만 걸어도 볼 것이 많다


한눈에 일본음식점임을 알 수 있다.







보께리아 시장(산호세 시장, Boqueria Market)























도토리를 먹여키운 흑돼지












The Fiestas de Santa Eulàlia are organized in honor of Santa Eulalia, patron of Barcelona.

The days 6, 7, 8 and 12 of Februarya there are parades through the streets

and squares of Ciutat Vella with giants and big heads, eagles, lions, dance groups, devils, dragons

and other characters related to the festival tradition of Barcelona.

And of course with castellers too, and this time they perform an enlightened human castle

 (Friday 6th at 20:15 in the Plaza de Sant Jaume), linking popular culture

with the LLUM BCN festival (light BCN) taking place on the 6th , 7th and 8th of February.

The LLUM BCN festival, which in 2015 coincides with the International Year of Light,

 is a circuit of light installations uniting tradition, art and technology.

 Shows projected on facades of buildings like the famous La Pedrera,

 patios transformed with light creating spaces and new sensations

 and art installations in places with light as the protagonist. Guided tour itineraries are organized to see all .










