Travel plan abroad/동북아시아

"잃어버린 지평선"의 야딩(Yading, 亚丁)

봉들레르 2018. 4. 11. 11:55

1928년 미국의 탐험가이자 식물학자였던 조셉 록은 윈난과 쓰촨의 험준한 산맥을 탐험했다.

원정대를 꾸려 중국에 희귀 식물을 채집하러 왔던 그는 잡지 <내셔널 지오그래픽>에 아름다운 사진 한 장을 기고했고,

그 사진을 모티브로 하여 제임스 힐튼은 1933년 소설 <잃어버린 지평선>을 발표하여 공존의 대히트를 기록했다.

각박한 현실에서 벗어난 이상향을 갈망하던 서구인들은 소설의 배경이 된 사진 속 장소를 ‘샹그릴라’라 부르며 열광했다.

그 후 수많은 탐험가들이 샹그릴라의 실체를 확인하러 네팔, 인도, 티베트 등지를 헤매고 다녔지만 전부 허사였다.

2002년 7월 야딩에 있는 충고사(冲古寺)의 노승이,

조셉 록의 친필 사인이 담긴 1928년판 <내셔널 지오그래픽>을 공개하면서 야딩으로 시선이 집중됐다.

청정한 원시 삼림과 고산 초원, 빙하가 녹아 내린 호수와 만년 설산이 한데 어우러진 야딩이 바로 사진의 주인공이었던 것이다!

세 좌의 만년 설산이 우뚝 솟은 야딩은, 티베트인들에게 성지聖地로 통한다.

여행자들에게는 해발 5,000~6,000m급 설산을 바라보며 트레킹하는 코스가 인기다.

다음 트래킹을 가고 싶은 곳은 야딩이다

I've been to Daocheng/Yading NR, Litang etc after traveling northern Yunnan province(Shangei-La , Yubeng etc)

but now i don't a bit understand what you say (i'm not good at English)
>Is it possible to arrange that late in the day to Yubeng and super early from there, so a late arrival,

early departure from Daocheng to different destinations (from Shangri-la and to Litang) would be possible on the same day?

so i'll write informations i got in my traveling

and i don't know whether those are useful for your traveling.

*Bus from Shangri-La to Daocheng---08:00am/required time is about 10 hours
*in Daocheng, every morning, beside long distance buses(to Shangri-La, Kangding, chengdu),

 many shared minivans(or jeeps) going to Yading, Litang etc are waiting guests around Daocheng bus station since very early morning.
*Daocheng to Yading---110km. about 3 hours by shared minivan.
*Daocheng to Litang---150km, about 4 hours by shared minivan.

*Accommodation at Daocheng
---i've been to Daocheng 2 times and every time i stayed"Yading Backpackers' Iternational Youth Hostel-Ⅱ,

and in Daocheng, there are 3 more International youth hostels and several youth hostel type guesthouses i saw

but i don't know well about actual condition and atomosphere of them.

*for going to Litang from Daocheng, you can take shared minivan or jeep and also can use big bus going to Kangding, Chengdu

and get off it at Litang.
*If you want to go to long distance destination from Daocheng (Kangding, Chengdu, Shangri-La) directly ,

you need to ask your YH's or GH's manager to book your bus ticket (=to buy your bus ticket for you)

just after arriving your accommodation because it's very difficult for you to buy your long distance bus ticket for yourself

because many local people who are waiting open time of ticket booth of bus station rush to ticket booth

and its strugling is very severe for foreigners. 


*Youth Hostel in Daocheng(i've stayed all YHs ①-④)
①"Yading Backpackers' International Youth Hostel-Ⅱ"(亜丁人社区-Ⅱ)---i think this YH is the best accommodation

--with beautiful open type flower garden and clean rooms(dorm & private rooms)

---Address: Jinzhu town, Daocheng, Sichuan/Tel:0836-5728994 (Wifi--OK)
②"Yading Backpackers' International Youth Hostel-Ⅰ"---same owner to YH ① and also good.
③Daocheng MaMa International Youth Hostel  
④Daocheng International Youth Hostel  

*Guesthouse at Yading (village)
There are many hotels and guesthouses at Yading village and i stayed "Yading Dengba Guesthouse".

Dengba Guesthouse(登巴客棧) is a guesthouse chain and has many YH type guesthouses in northern Yunnan & western Sichuan----Dali, Shangri-La, Lugu lake, Xichang, Daocheng, Yading, Xindugiao, Tagong, Danba, Kangding, Chengdu and many other places.

*Yading Dengba Hostel(亜丁登巴客棧)---Address:Yading village, Riwa town, Daocheng/Tel:13320798550 (Wifi--OK)
If you stay this guesthouse at Yading village,

GH will send you(=their guests) to the starting point of Yading NR trecking couse

and if you call guesthouse when you return to the starting point by telephone ,

GH's minivan driver will pick up you to your guesthouse from there. (it's free charge).

PS) As for treckng course of Yading NR , many electric cars (=golf cart type) run along trecking course

and almost(99%) Chinese travelers used these electric cars without working but all of them missed amazing scenery & great nature so i walked all the way to the final point of trecking course and back to the starting point.
*walking--1h30m~2h(very slow pace with taking photo)one way
*by electric car(07:00am-18:00pm)---19 mins one way (taking photo is prohibited)
*If you want to go to "Milk Sea"and "Five Color Sea" by horse back or walking in a day at Yading NR, at least taking eleectric car for one way is better but i don't recommend both of go & back because Yading NR is not a Deasny Land though it's alike it and scenery is quite alike a tytle scene of Palamount Movies.