My travel abroad./Slovenia(2017 Jul)

6-1 트래킹의 시발점인 트랜타

봉들레르 2017. 9. 18. 19:34










6:50 숙소에서 아침식사(우유,요구르트,씨리얼,삶은감자,계란후라이,)



점심에 먹을 것으로 마켓에서 크로와상4개 구입




 소차계곡트래킹을 시작한다

 조용하고 햇살가득한 슬로베니아 트랜타에서 트래킹을 한다니 가슴 벅차다

아침햇살에 눈이 부시다












 숲길로 접어든다






To utilze the water power of the Soča and its tributaries, the local inhabitants set up a number of sawmills and mills.

On the left bank of Soča, in Na Logu, a well-preserved Venetian saw can still be seen.

At the site of the Venetian saw, a reconstructed "riža" has been put up.

Riža is a timber chute made of girders, which was used to transport extracted wood from stump sites down the steep slopes to the valley.

This way of transporting timber was used until the mid-twentieth century when timber chutes were replaced by cable yarding.

 물레방아를 이용한 방아간

Venetian saw                                                        Reconstructed timber chute


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