Travel plan abroad/중앙아시아

[스크랩] [부탄] 부탄 여행정보 및 현지 여행사 소개

봉들레르 2011. 1. 15. 15:40

출처 : 태사랑 kimzeu 님




최근에 출장으로 부탄을 다녀왔는데 부탄에 대한 여행 정보가 사전에 듣는 것과 서로 다르고,  부탄 파트너였던 부탄정부 국장의 따님이 여행사를 현지 여행사를 운영한다고 하면서 여행정보를 업로드 해 주실 것을 부탁받았습니다.

중요정보는 아래와 같습니다

1. 부탄을 여행하는 사람은 1인 1일당 200불을 정부에 비치해야 하고, 

200불중 65불은 정부개발기금으로 하고 135불은 여행자 1일 경비로 사용됩니다.

5일 여행시 5일을 곱하시면 됩니다.

그런데 여행자가 2명이하일 경우 추가경비가 있다고 합니다.
대신 16명부터는 1명이 무료 (숙박, 음료, 입장료, 교통비 모두) 라고 합니다.
자세한 금액은 별첨으로 안내되어 있습니다.

2. 135불 포함내역은 1일 4성급 호텔, 전체 교통비, 식사 및 음료(알콜 제외), 입장료

추가 경비는 거의 없는 편입니다.

3. 비자는 tour package 여행을 통해서만 쉽게 얻을 수 있고,  back packer와 같은 개별여행자는 비자를 얻기 쉽지 않다고 합니다.

4. 간략 절차는 여행자는 정부계좌에 (200불/1일x 일수)를 입금합니다. 정부는 비자를 내주고 해당여행사는 동 금액중 (135불/1일 x 일수)를 정부로 부터 받아 여행일정을 시작하게 됩니다.

5. 제가 아는 국장님 따님이 하는 여행사는 이고 이메일은 입니다.

그분이 아래에 본인 소개를 하실 것입니다.

Dear Koreans,

It is my pleasure to introduce myself. My name is Yachna in Bhutan who is running the local travel agency (Oriental Tours and Travels) in Thimphu, Bhutan.

Recently I travelled to Korea and found out that few Koreans know how to travel to Bhutan including getting the visa of Bhutan.

I can be an assistance to you who wish to travel to Bhutan.

Homepage is, and email is,

Tel: 975-2-335912(O), 335911(F), 975-7724-6686(M)

If you send any inquiries, I will do my best to support your travel plan to Bhutan.

If you intend to reply, please reply in English.

Thank you and best regards




현지 경비 정보 자세히 보려면 더보기 클릭!!



Daily Tariff

The minimum tariff for tourist visiting in a group of 3 persons or more are as follows:


High Season Tariff - US$ 200 per person per night halt (January, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November and December).


Low Season Tariff - US$ 165 per person per night halt ( July, August).


The minimum price includes:


All internal taxes and charges (including the royalty)


All Meals

All travel with a licensed Bhutanese Tour Guide

All Internal Transport

Camping Equipment and Haulage for Trekking Tours

The rates given above are applicable per tourist per night halt in Bhutan. On the day of departure, the ‘local agents’ host obligation shall be limited to breakfast only and any extra requirements shall be payable on actual basis.


The rates shall apply uniformly irrespective of locations and the type of accommodation provided/asked for. List of hotels and lodges approved for international tourist accommodation. The accommodation would be in Hotels, the rates of which will range from USD 30 to USD 60. (Hotel Druk Paro and Hotel Gangtey Palace in Paro, Hotel Dewachen, Hotel Kisa and Hotel Dragon Roots in Thimphu)


If  the guests prefer to stay in more luxurious hotels like Taj Tashi:USD 337, Hotel Zhiwaling: USD 250 and Aman Kora: USD 1,037and Uma: USD 275, the room rates would be charged in addition to the tariff. 



Individual tourists and smaller groups of less than three persons shall be subject to surcharge, over and above the minimum daily rates applicable, as follows:


Single individual US$ 40 per night

Group of 2 persons US$ 30 per person per night


The 10% agency commission payable to agents abroad shall not be deductible from the surcharge.


The surcharge will not be applicable to representatives of foreign travel agents on business study or promotional visit duly approved and cleared by DOT.



DIPLOMATS from foreign embassies/missions accredited to Bhutan shall be given a 25% discount on the daily rates.

There shall be no charge for CHILDREN up to the age of 5 years. However, those between the ages of 6-12 years accompanied by elders/ guardians shall be given 50% discount on daily rates.

Full time STUDENTS below the age of 25 years holding valid identity cards from their academic institutions shall also be given a 25% discount on daily rates.

A discount of 50% on daily rates shall be given to one person is a group of 11 to 15 people. 100% discount shall be given to one member in a group exceeding 26 persons.

A discount of 10% on the daily rates shall be provided for halts between 11 to 20 nights and 20% discount on halts beyond 21 nights.

Visitors availing discounts under Sections A, B & C shall not be eligible for discount under E.

Detailed information on Druk Air flights, tour and trekking programmed, festivals, places of interest, hotels etc can be obtained from the tour operators.

Visa Formalities

Other than Indian nationals, all visitors to Bhutan require a visa; all visas are issued from Thimphu; visas are only issued to tourists booked with a local licensed tour operator, directly or through a foreign travel agent. Applications for tourist visas are submitted by the tour operator. Visa clearance from Thimphu must be obtained before coming to Bhutan. Visa clearance takes at least 10 days to process. Air tickets to Bhutan cannot be purchased without visa clearance. At your point of entry the visa will be stamped in your passport on payment of US$20, two passport photos will also be required. Visas are issued for a 15day period; extensions can be obtained in Thimphu at a cost of Nu.510.



Tour Programmes booked and subsequently cancelled shall be subject to cancellation charges as follows:


within 30 days of start of programme ~ no charges

within 21 days ~ 10% of rate

within 14 days ~ 15% of rate

within 7 days ~ 30% of rate

less than 7 days or without notice ~ 50% of rate

after arrival in Bhutan ~ 100%

Tour Payment

All Tour Payments must be settled one month in advance of commencement of Tour to clear the visa and other necessary documents. The Tour booking will be confirm!ed only after we receive 100% of the Tour payment. Please deposit/Transfer the Tour payment which Oriental Tours and Treks will give you in details.





출처 : Salon de YM
글쓴이 : youngmism 원글보기
메모 :

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